




  Statement of Purpose

  I want to bring positive changes to people’s life and I’ve been pursuing a way to realize my ambition during my undergraduate studies in XYZ University, one of the best and top universities in China. Hard study with GPA 3.81, 3-month volunteer work in India, research work in various fields of economics with professors from prestigious universities, leading AIESEC and the Olympic Club in School, one article published in Chinese top journal and a summer intern in HSBC, I have devoted myself to my ambition in the past three years. It turns out that every single one of these above has contributed significantly to shape me into one who I am today: a person with good will as well as determined goal _- to make the world a better place as an economist.

  In the winter of my sophomore year, I joined in the big family of Child Guidance Center (CGC), an NGO endeavored to help mentally challenged kids supported by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment of the Indian Government in Hyderabad, India. Being in charge of the international volunteer team for the Tobi School Program running by CGC, at first, I thought all I had to do was to follow my job description, which was to offer basic assistance in the children’s education. But when I saw the extremely horrible living conditions of the children in our program, I decided to do more. I helped Frank, our General Secretary, to go through the yearly budget and raise fund to support it. Three months were not a long time, but let me experienced a lot. I not only witnessed the excitement when we got adequate funds for books and recovery facilities, but also the depression when there was not enough money to afford treatment for an inherited HIV-carrying child. My decision of becoming an economist was affirmed, because I was aware that material support, no matter more or less, will be used up some day and leave the poor back struggling with poverty, only the fundamental change of the economic system may lead to long-term improvement in local living conditions, therefore brings sustainable development.

  The only pity of my experience in CGC was that I was not equipped with adequate economic theories and could not contribute in a more effective way. So after returning back from India, I dedicated myself to researching in various fields of economics and spent my sophomore year on receiving specialized training in econometrics which involved a large amount of independent learning, and had a whole new vision about the models and methods. In the meantime, there had been signs of the economic recession, and governments tended to adopt active fiscal policies as an answer to the crisis. Curious about the effectiveness of the fiscal policy on asset price, under the guidance of Prof. Jiang Yuexiang, I tried to explain the effects on term structure in a Stochastic Dynamic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model. In empirical research, I utilized government bonds data from CCER to estimate the stochastic differential equation describing spot rate in single-factor affine term structure model, applying cubic spline fitting and maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). The estimation turned out to be statistically significant. And in theoretical part, I incorporated fiscal policy into stochastic dynamic general equilibrium (DSGE) model based on CIR (1985) and Turnovsky (1998) to investigate fiscal policy’s effects on term structure. The theoretical results were proved to be consistent with empirical findings. These results had been developed into a working paper and were shared with the undergraduates from the United States, Hong Kong, mainland China and Singapore on Lee Shui Young Leaders Forum when I took part in the 2008 academic program held by Lee Shui Center of Intercultural Learning. After that, I continued further research during my junior year interpedently or with groups. The excitement that all the rigors of the research process are laying groundwork enabling me to benefit tens of thousands lives some day made me feel the efforts much more enjoyable.


  As you can see from my past experience, I devoted in quite a few things in my undergraduate years and had acquired a strong academic basis. However, with my impending graduation, I realize that in order to effectively make the world a better place, I do need to study aboard, because Chinese universities can not offer me wide vision, diversified communities and world-class Economists as my advisors. Duke University is famous for distinguished faculty, advanced research facilities, stimulating academic environment and meticulous work ethics, which particularly suited my expectation for postgraduate education.

  点评2:很多申请者会在申请文书中强调中国教育的不足,弊端等等,然后大力宣扬美国教育的好处。就如这段里面叙说的一样 “中国大学不可能给我一个很好的视野”,这句话在某种意义上不够客观。虽然写了没有多大的负面影响,但是,总叫人不舒心,故,避开为佳。

  After carefully studying the information provided by your website, I know M.A program of Duke University is one of the most quantitative of all North American masters’ program and focuses on graduates capable of applied research and financial analysis. I aim to conduct research on econometrics and believe your flexible curriculum will provide me with an opportunity to expand my knowledge in this area. Besides, Duke University advocates interdisciplinary perspective and provides diverse elective courses for students, which can permit me to turn economic theories into enlightening research projects and provide me the ability of practicing economics with more emphasis on social and political factors.


  Upon my graduation, I hope to work in World Bank and devote in developing the economy of the third world countries and reducing the gap between the rich and the poor. My long team goal is to be a scholar in economics field and disseminate advanced economics theories to more people.

  全文点评:职业目标太过野心勃勃,不切实际是一个可怕的错误。大多数的申请者写的短期目标都会距离现实太遥远。因此在指定具体职业目标的前,应该谨慎考虑,多参考学校这个项目的以往毕业生的去向,美国就业情况,国际生就业情况等等现实问题。如果,写的目标太过狂妄了,学校录取委员会可能会因为出自 “对申请者负责”,因为 “无法实现你的职业目标”而拒绝申请者。



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  • 艾迪留学为纽约州立大学(SUNY)中国官方合作伙伴

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